


after John Trumbull (1756-1843)

Relief cut, 1794
Height 7.5, width 5.8 cm


Boglewood: 1715
Wick 38


Source image:
J ohn Trumbull, Type A.
Oil on canvas (1780)

Genl. Washington.

Version I:  As shown.

Published in:  [Jedidiah Morse], The Life of George Washington, Commander in Chief of the American Army during the late war, and present President of the United States (Philadelphia: Jones, Hoff and Derrick, 1794).

Note:  The book  reprinted biographical sketches of George Washington and Richard Montgomery taken from the Rev. Jedidiah Morse's The American Geography, or a view of the present situation of the United States of America (Elizabethtown, 1789).

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