


DANIEL BERGER (1744-1824)
after Pierre Eugene duSimitière (c. 1736-1784)
Line engraving, 1783
Height 9.7, sub height 8.7, width 5.4, head height 3.2, width 2.4 cm


Boglewood: 1608
Hart:  79


Source image:
Pierre Eugene duSimitière,
Pencil on paper (1779).

[Numbered likenesses] 1. General Washington.  2.  General Gates. / 3.  Dr. Franklin.  4.  Präsid. Laurens.  5.  Paul Jones. / D. Berger Sculp. 1783.

Version I:  As described.

Published in:  Matthias Christian Sprengel, Allgemeines Historisches Taschenbuch . . . für 1784 . . . (Berlin: Mathias Christian Sprengel).

Notes:  This engraving is an extremely close copy of Boglewood 1607, entirely re-engraved, enclosed in a double line border instead of a single line, and with "Sculp" instead of "Sculps" in the final line.

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