


JOHN NORMAN (c. 1748-1817)
after Benjamin Blyth (1746-1787)
after Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827)

Etching and engraving, 1782
Height 34.6, subheight 29.5, width 23.6, width 23.7, oval height 18.9, oval width 15.6


Boglewood: 1205
Hart:  43


Source image:
Charles Willson Peale, Type B.
Oil on canvas (1776).

  Text:  Temperance, / Prudence, / Fortitude, / Justice / B Blyth del.  J. Norman Sculp. / His Excellcy. George Washington, Esqr. / General and Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies, / Supporting the Independence of America. / Taken from an Original Picture in possession of his Excy Govr. Hancock / Published by John Coles, Boston, March. 26th 1782

Version I:  As shown.  Collections:  New York Public Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Notes:  This print was created by Norman after he moved from Philadelphia to Boston in 1780.  There is a companion print of Martha Washington, and the two may be the pair advertised by a group of Philadelphia booksellers in the Pennsylvania Gazette in May 1783. (Wick)

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